
An Intro to Augmented and Virtual Reality in Energy Industry in Under 10 Minutes

Hi, ARUFriends! So far, we’ve learned that AR and VR can be applied to games, sports, health, and the education industry. However, it turns out that there is one more industry that can benefit from AR and VR to make their jobs easier called the energy industry. So, keep reading to learn how AR and …

An Intro to Augmented and Virtual Reality in Energy Industry in Under 10 Minutes Read More »

Get Ready for ARUCAMP!

In December 2020, ARUTALA will launch its Immersive Talent Incubation in Indonesia. The program is designed to support and empower students especially in the information and technology sector. The program’s also designed to search for future talent of immersive technology and bring a positive impact on society. This program will be separated into four phases, …

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